Precision Swiss Turning
Twenty Swiss Style machines in a wide range of configurations gives us the ability to match your Job with the correct machine for optimum production and quality. Our machines are equipped with automatic magazine bar loaders for 24 hour “lights out” production where needed. Long parts attachments for shafts up to 36” long plus a long list of specialty attachments make these machines extremely versatile.
Single Spindle Turning
Graycer has a wide assortment of turning and bar machines from Hardinge CNC bar and chucking machines to Tusgami mill turn machines. These machines offer heavy duty turning and forming capability to finish parts faster. Bar capacities range from 1/16 to 3 inches and chucking capacity up to 10 inches.
Milling Machines
Graycer has a large milling department that has evolved into a full service milling shop that can mill parts up to 40” long. We are able to produce part programs from a variety of CAD drawings. Indexers, 4th axis machines and pallet machines give our milling department the versatility needed to meet our customer’s needs.
Support Machining
Our secondary operation department consists of a long list of machines – including CNC machines built in house to finish parts in the most economical manner. We have the ability to make our own tooling and fixtures saving us time and money. Our automatic cutoff saws allows us to start jobs sooner instead of waiting for slugs from an outside source.